
Can Food Affect Energy Levels and Mood?

At Home Stress Relievers

Face it…stress is a part of our daily lives. It might hide out for awhile, but you can be sure that it will creep up on you at the most inconvenient times. Some days you might even feel like you can’t escape, but these simple remedies outlined below can give you some relief even if you can’t leave your home.

Cup of Tea – Chamomile tea with honey or lemon is healthier for you than grabbing a beer from the fridge. If you don’t have chamomile, any tea will do. While certain teas can make you sleepy, energized or calm, a warm cup of fruit-infused tea can give you a chance to take a moment for yourself.

Aromatherapy – Essential oils or incense can help you create a peaceful environment. A few drops of lavender essential oil can be added to a hot bath, you can apply a drop to your temples. Smelling lemongrass or lavender incense can help you drift off to sleep.

Herbal Supplements – Valerian and passion flower can be taken two to three times a day to relieve anxiety and depression caused by stress.

How Does Food Affect You?

Keeping a food journal can make you more aware of your mental and physical reactions to food. For example, you might notice that you are either energized or sluggish immediately after eating breakfast, lunch or dinner. This can help you determine if you need to adjust certain elements of your meals such as your protein or vitamin/mineral intake. Writing your reactions or non-reactions to food in a journal increases your self-awareness, which is the key to good health.

Bach Flower Essences

When your emotions are out of control, it can be hard to find a balance. Bach flower essences can be used on children, pets, pregnant women, elderly and plants, so they are safe and natural. The Rescue Remedy line relieves emotions such as anxiety, irritability and impatience. The active ingredients include Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens and Rock Rose. Flower essences are a holistic alternative to mood enhancing drugs like Valium.

Holistic Medicine Frequently Asked Questions

Can Food Affect Energy Levels and Mood?

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Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D.