Regaining Your Balance

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Regaining Your Balance

When is the last time you walked down the edge of a curb or tried to skateboard down your driveway? As we get older, we no longer have time to challenge our body in these ways like we did when we were kids. However, if you’re looking to regain your balance, yoga can help retrain your body.

Your body and mind are constantly remembering and storing information, but when you stop practicing something such as balancing, you’re body needs some time to remember. Doing simple poses such as the tree and mountain can give you some insight into your body. The mountain pose can get your body back into alignment, and it might also reveal something about yourself…maybe you tend to lean to one side or you don’t stand up straight. These habits can affect your balance.

When you start with the tree, don’t force your body into the position. Begin by toe touching with one foot to get a sense of balance. Then place your free foot on your ankle. Once you get better at this position, then try putting your free leg on your calf then maybe your thigh when you feel ready and strong enough.



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